AFB & Co.
Serving all communities in Air Force Bases worldwide.
Growing up around Air Force families, we've gotten accustomed to many different military traditions and a long line of Air Force heritage. With every promotion, PCS (permanent change of station), job or school selection, awards, recognition and retirement, comes with very special moments that every Air Force members share together. We at AFB & Co. strive to take these moments even more special by creating greeting cards that would give more meaning to the bonds and camaraderie in our community.

A Bit About Us
This shop was established in the summer of 2020 while we were assigned in Oregon. AFB and Co. was derived from our first born's name. We chose her initials as it fits really well with the Air Force Base theme. The "Co." portion of the business name is represented by Addison's three furry sisters.
The goal of the company is to provide a more personalized greeting card specific to Air Force community and their way of life. We want to boost morale, increase cohesion and create more smiles out of all Airmen throughout the globe.
As a small startup trying to serve our community of heroes worldwide, we will be investing our time, energy and capital mostly on marketing our name and products in the next 12 months. This includes donating some of our products to organization leaders that could bring smiles into the Air Force community. So please click on the donation button below. We appreciate any amount of donation.
Contact Us
For more selection, see Etsy account links below! Purchase made easy in Etsy.